
Due to compatibility problems with LATEX (used to produce this notice) large examples must be TEX-ed separately, i.e. using TEX and not LATEX. Therefore, the MusicTEX future user is suggested to produce some of the following examples and to look carefully at the way some special features have been coded.

When producing this examples, care should be taken about the fact that many given files are supposed to be included (by means of normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\input) in other files. Thus the only good files to be directly TEX-ed are those which begin with normalshapemediumseries\input musicnft. In addition, it must be noted that most DVI previewers and laser printers have their origin at one inch below and one inch right of the right upper corner of the paper, while the musical examples have their upper left significant corner only at one centimeter right and below the left top of the paper. Therefore, special parameters have to be given to the DVI transcription programs unless special normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\hoffset and normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\voffset TEX commands are introduced within the source TEX text.

Suggested tests are: